Back In Action

It certainly has been some time since my last post; October of 2011 seems like a lifetime ago. I took some time off blogging to truly adjust to Motherhood and find myself in this new identity. I have (found myself) and I couldn't possibly be any happier. Emma is now 21 months old and the absolute light of our lives. I have learned so much about myself since being gifted with her existence. When I talk about her or about being a mother in general I can literally feel the love seeping out of every single pore on my body. Being a Mom is nothing like I expected. I always thought I would love it. I always knew I was meant to have children. I knew it would be the hardest yet most rewarding job I would ever have. I knew I could never clock out. What I didn't know is that I would gain a best friend. I didn't know that every bone in my body would be forever changed. I thought I could be a Mom and still be the 21 year old woman I was prior to finding out I was pregnant. But I was so wrong, and honestly at this point - relieved that I can't and don't have to be both. I didn't know that my entire outlook on life would change. I didn't know that every time I saw a Mom in a store with a screaming child I would feel her pain and smile at her instead of scolding her for not removing her child to make my shopping experience better. I didn't know that every time I watched the news my gut would turn inside out from all of the horribly sickening things that people are capable of doing. I didn't know that every time I would hear of a woman missing or child hurt by someone that a new well of tears is constantly on reserve to come rolling down my cheeks. I didn't know that no matter how bad a day was or how desolate I could ever feel, her smile would take away every ounce of pain. I didn't know that this kind of love existed. It is so incredibly overwhelming and amazing. I feel so grateful for every day that I get to spend with my daughter and feel so honored that God found me suitable to give Emma the life she deserves.

I have been incredibly lucky to be in a position where I am able to stay home with Emma. I am currently on a waiting list to get into a nursing program but in the mean time I continue to work on call at Regions and every week there are 3 days where I nanny two little girls (4 and 2). Emma has thrived since I started nannying and it has been so fun for me to watch her interact with her new friends :) 

Since having Emma I have made a big shift in focus as far as health and wellness goes. I have tried to give Emma a very natural, organic diet in a very realistic way. From the beginning I exclusively breast fed and slowly after 6 months introduced organic oatmeal and slowly introduced solids. I made all of Emma's baby food from scratch which was so rewarding to me. One of my passions outside of motherhood is cooking and baking. There is something (to me) that comes full circle when I'm able to take all healthy organic ingredients and bring them together to make a delicious meal that I can feel good about eating and feel good about feeding my family. My focus with this blog will be centered around gathering recipe's I find from other blogs, Pinterest, and also just by trial and error.... with the occasional ramble of everything else that comes with being Emma's Mama. 



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