Another week has come and gone - it seems time is flying for me. People have told me that these last 4 weeks will be the longest of my life; but I beg to differ. It seems like its always Wednesday and I'm always on my way to see the midwife and find out where we are at. As anxious as I am to meet Emma and to begin this next part of my life, I am trying to take in these last few days/weeks of time alone with Clint. And time to myself. It will be a luxury and a thing of the past to be able to just run to the store quick to grab something, or to go get my hair done. So what did I schedule for myself tomorrow? A hair appointment. Get myself all pampered and ready for this little girl to arrive. The next time I get my hair done I will need to find a babysitter first...... crazy! Life is a changin'. 

Well last Friday I had yet ANOTHER biophysical ultrasound where they measured Emma's growth just to make sure, again, that she was on schedule. Well she weighed in at (approximately) 5 pounds 10 ounces, so still a little smaller than average but she definitely gained some weight since the last ultrasound so that is good. Everything else looked great as well. Today we are at 37 weeks which is considered full term! YAY! This is really the last milestone we wanted to get to, so now we can have her any time now... no seriously, right now would be perfect! I know how cliché I sound when I say I can hardly stand being pregnant any longer. How many women complain about their backs and hips hurting at this point in pregnancy? Well add me to that list. Sleep? What's that? I suppose it's natures way of preparing you for 18 years of no sleep, and a literal pain in the ass. ;) I think I have to be realistic in my expectations as a new Mom in knowing it won't be all rainbows and butterflies and baby giggles. We spend 9 months visualizing this cute little perfect baby that never cries and has pink bows in her hair; when in reality most of my time will actually be spent comforting a fussy baby and cleaning up poop and pee and puke. Not to say I'm not thrilled and beyond excited for it all to begin, but keeping these things in mind makes these next possible 3 weeks more tolerable (and enjoyable). 

Today I saw Susan Tighe, a partner midwife of Sheila, in clinic for my 37 week checkup. We listened to Emma's heart rate and it looked great (140-150 bpm). My fundal height was measuring 35 - the normal is closer to 37- but 35 is better than what I was measuring last week, so thats good. She checked my cervix and we are still dilated to just 1 cm with no more change to my cervix, which last week was good - but this week we want to start getting things moving along. This particular midwife focuses more on the "natural" childbirth and had some tips on how to induce labor. She showed me some acupressure points that if massaged properly can help to induce labor - so we will be trying those! Funny how I spend 5 weeks trying to make sure we didn't go into labor and now that it's okay all I want is to get it going.  Clint and I think it would be pretty cool if Emma was born on 9-10-11, which is this saturday! So we are going to shoot for that. Go on lots of walks that day, massage some pressure points, etc., etc. Maybe head up to the lake and go for a bumpy seadoo ride.... I'm up for anything! Susan also mentioned that at 39 weeks if my cervix is what they call "favorable" they would consider elective induction (medical intervention with a drug called Pitocin that chemically induces labor). Because of how uncomfortable I am and have been since 31 weeks, I would be willing to try anything to save myself a week more of this. As far as a birth plan goes for me; I have no plan. I'm going in as flexible as possible. I want to see how it all goes, I'm open to and leaning towards getting the epidural but if for some reason it just isn't as painful as I think it will be (which I HIGHLY doubt) I would try and work through it without. I'm just anxious to see how it all goes. Clint will obviously be in the room with me and my Mom will be there as my health care advocate and labor coach. I'm not sure who will all be waiting to meet this little princess but I'm sure a nice crowd will be gathering. Clint's side of the family has a "birthing party" in the works to all meet at a bar and celebrate while I'm in labor. Oh- how I'd rather be at that party!! My dad also informed me this weekend that the "it's a girl" cigars have arrived so I can go ahead and have her any day now. Hoping it is as easy as that!! 

Next Wednesday I meet with Sheila again and will discuss the option of the elective induction for the following week - assuming we don't progress further in the mean time. Cross your fingers! I want my next post to be pictures of Emma instead of more complaints from me.........................

Patiently awaiting your arrival little girl.... Daddy wants you to come out and play now so hurry up! 


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