Counting My Blessings

Last night at work I experienced one of the worst things I have ever and probably will ever witness. I usually have around 7-12 patients at a time when I work the evening shift. Last night I had around 9 throughout the night and one of them was a young lady about my age who was literally two days less pregnant than I am. She was in the hospital with an unrelated infection but spontaneously had a miscarriage or what they call a spontaneous abortion right in her hospital bed. Because she was my patient when I heard they needed a PCA (my certification) in the room ASAP I went running, not knowing what I was about to witness. I don't need to get into details as I think no one should ever have to go through what this young woman did or see what I and many other health professionals saw last night. I was completely traumatized. Working in a hospital in this type of situation is a beautiful thing though, because I was able to go down to where I am eventually going to deliver my baby and they allowed me to listen to my baby's heartbeat once again. I have never heard a more beautiful sound. It was perfect and strong. It really made me realize how already I am so concerned about my own baby's well being. I feel so awful for that young woman, I can't stop thinking about her. I know these things happen all the time, and there is nothing that could have been done to prevent it but...... uhh, its just so awful. Just say some prayers for her today. As getting pregnant was all a surprise to us, it is still an absolute miracle. And a blessing. So I am counting mine today, as I have many. I am healthy. I have a wonderful fiancĂ© who supports every choice I make and makes me laugh every day. I have an amazing family and a great unit of close friends. My sweet puppy brings joy to my life every day. I have a roof over my head and a warm bed to sleep in. I am able to get pregnant and carry a baby. And last but not least, I have a job. A job that pays the bills every month and helps provide the majority of my blessings. A job that reminds me every day in different ways how lucky I am. So today I am going to smile and celebrate how exciting of a time in my life I am in right now and remember how LUCKY I am. :) Try to do the same!


  1. I love this post! So great, and always so important to count your blessings! I love you and said a prayer for the young woman. I hope you have an amazing day Jamie! xoxoxox

  2. I had the same thing happen to me but, I was at home when it happened. It sucks completely.

    I am glad you are doing so well, and keep right on with looking out for your childs well being. You will ALWAYS put them first

  3. I'm so sorry Amanda!! I never knew. It is an awful thing for anyone to have to go through.


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