35 weeks. Countdown until due date: 35 days.
Towards the end of a pregnancy, 1 week can change a lot. I am now 35 weeks (and 1 day). We made it!! I was a little over 31 weeks when I went into preterm labor and this was the date we were trying to get to - TODAY! At this point if Emma was born she would be just fine - so this is just wonderful!
Since the incident that prompted my preterm labor I have been dealing with a ridiculous hassle from the workman's comp insurance company. They have sent me on a wild goose chase, from bed rest may I have you, making phone call after phone call to my clinic to get them exactly what they need. On Monday, they forced me to see a Physician, because they deemed my LICENSED midwife not qualified to have a medical opinion. After seeing this physician, I was taken off bed rest (because we are now at a point that is safe) and was given a very in depth letter to give the insurance company - hoping this will sort out any question as to wether or not the incident had to do with my increased risk of preterm labor and having a preterm baby. At this point I COULD go back to work with restrictions if I chose to do so. I have to speak with my employer still about what type of work they would even have for me. Because my midwife thinks this baby will be coming so soon I don't think it is worth it for me to go back for a couple weeks of pay. My midwife also thinks that the emotional effects of going back to work for such a short period of time after an event like this wouldn't be worth it for a couple of weeks of pay (especially for what I make). I think ultimately my decision will be to remain off work until the baby comes and then still have my 12 weeks or so with her on maternity leave :)
As I'm writing this the final piece to our nursery just arrived at the door!! Our glider/rocking chair! So excited to have it all complete. I will post a couple pictures of the completed nursery with everything but little Emma in it later on!
** Here are those pictures :)
** Here are those pictures :)
Emma's room
Spoiled little girl already. She has more clothes than me
As far as I go - my visit with Sheila yesterday showed little to no change to my cervix - went from dilated to .5-1 cm to 1 cm. The fundal height was around 32 - which is still a little low, but we are thinking this is because of how LOW I'm carrying Emma right now. She still wanted to recheck my amniotic fluid levels so I have an ultrasound tomorrow bright an early. I think I'm going to break some type of record for how many ultrasounds I have had during this pregnancy. Over last night and this morning, I have had a few signs of very early labor - no need to go into detail- followed by a few contractions. I drank a lot of water ate some lunch and laid down and it stopped..... we will see! Last night I finally had to take my engagement ring off too because my hands were swelling too much. I'm wearing it as a necklace, but it's not the same. I have gotten so used to having that on my hand that I feel like its lost. Life is just so much better when you can look at your hand and see a beautiful diamond and have it remind you how much someone loves you at any point throughout the day....... But I'll survive ;) It's literally just a waiting game from here on out! I would love to make it 2 more weeks because at 37 weeks Emma can spend her time in the hospital in my room with Clint and I and we would be discharged home together :) But the fact that she is safe and healthy now is definitely reassuring. Not much longer to go at this point either way. Even if we went to the due date that is only 34 days away from today! We are so anxious to meet this little angel.
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